Meet The Team

Meet The Team

We’re always here to help you

We have a friendly team of dentists, nurses and receptionists who look forward to welcoming you.

Dr Rowand Khafaf
Dr Rowand Khafaf
BDS(Lond), MFDS RCS(Edin) Principal Dentist GDC 83752
Dr Rejin Khafaf
Dr Rejin Khafaf
BDS(Lond), MFDS RCPSG Principal Dentist GDC 115552
Dr Deryn Khafaf
Dr Deryn Khafaf
BDS (Birm) Associate Dentist GDC 265334
Dr Meera Galaiya
Dr Meera Galaiya
BDS(Lond) Associate Dentist GDC 284652
Dr Haider Moosa
Dr Haider Moosa
BDS(Lond) Associate Dentist GDC 289446
Beatris Cosma
Beatris Cosma
Dental Nurse
Winny Mongok
Practice Manager
Umesh Sathiyaparan

How can we help?